Monday, January 31, 2022

Gotta get back into this . . .

 Been a while since I blogged. . . doubt anyone is still reading these but here we go. . . 

Been a crazy few years but here we are again.  Things are still nuts and I have tried to step back from the politics a bit.  Not worth the increase in blood pressure.  Mixed results on exercising, need to do that more.  

I have gotten more and more involved in Safety, both at work and in my town.  Started with work, took over the Safety Manager position. . . may not have been my best move right before Covid hit but it is what it is.  That led me to get certified to teach First Aid, CPR, and AEDs. . . which lead me to finding out about our town CERT team so I signed up for that.  If you have not heard of them it is the Community Emergency Response Team and it is an idea that came out of CA after one of their big earthquakes.  We fall under volunteers with the local Fire Department.

All of this has led me to want to go get my EMT cert, but due to Covid there are no classes I can take part time for now. . . but we keep watching.

Finally getting back into models, got two Star Trek on the bench now and a Space 1999 warming up. . . photos when they are done.

I promise I will try to get back here more often. . . plenty to talk about with models, safety and guns . . . 

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