Friday, August 25, 2017

Free Speech under attack

What is so hard to understand about our First Amendment and freedom of speech.

Folks are in an uproar over the KKK and Neo-Nazi protests and calling for removal of statues.  The left also seems OK with using violence to prevent the KKK and Neo-Nazis from speaking out.  And the media paints the violence from the left as somehow justified.

No, it is not OK.

Folks if all they are doing is a protest or rally and they are not violent then our government has no power to stop them, and you have no right to attack them with violence.

In fact, if you are the one throwing the bricks and bottles at folks based on their speech then you are the problem and you are the fascist.  Sorry to break the news to you but yep, you are the bad guy.

The KKK, Neo-Nazis and any other white supremacists group out there is loving this.  Yes they are dirtbags, and yes you should protests against them if you want, but you have no right to use violence on them if you are not attacked.  To make it worse, these groups of misfits were on the way out until you gave them a platform and put them back in the news. . . Had no one showed up against them it would not have made the news.

Instead, you have pushed them back into the national spot light and as crazy as they are you make them look good because they now can play the victim.  They had the permits and did not start anything, you in the Antifa were the first to attack. . .  that makes you the bad guy even compared to them. . . way to go.

With your violent attacks against anyone you disagree with you are showing that your cause is part of the problem, not the fix.  You are also pushing normal folks to actually look at these hate groups and actually give them a look and listen.  You are making the very people you want to stop look like the injured party. 

You are helping them to recruit new folks by showing how violent you are to folks you don’t like.  This is scaring folks who see you attacking Trump supporters and other libertarian and conservatives on TV and they easily make the jump to thinking “that could be me”.  In Boston, even the Mayor called out the protesters on the left when they posted flyers around the city calling for folks to bring bottles and such to the libertarian free speech rally on the common so they had things to throw at those evil libertarians.

If you really want to fix this, then you need to call out Antifa and BLM for the terrorist groups they are.  By attacking cops and those they disagree with, often with the bloody results on TV they have shown they are no different than the KKK or Neo-Nazi.  I don’t care that they are on the left instead of the right, it does not justify the violence.  If you think it does, you are part of the problem.

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