Monday, May 9, 2011

MA gun laws take another step away from America . . .

Massachusetts: Lowell proposes "arsenal" law

Lavallee, Middlesex District Attorney Gerard Leone and Rep. Kevin Murphy helped city officials craft a home rule petition seeking the power to require owners of 10 or more firearms to notify police of the weapons' location within 24 hours of possessing them. The proposed law would also require owners of more than 10 firearms to secure them in a locked safe or vault and install an alarm system with central monitoring that would notify police when the alarm is activated.

Just in case any of you thought MA was even close to still being part of America or a state with any liberty.  I hope this gets tossed but here you never know.

Ya, I am sure all the gangs in Lowell will be the first down to the cops to tell them about all there illegal guns. . . NOT. . . .

GOD I can't wait till I can get out of this nuthouse. . . .

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