Thursday, October 23, 2008

Obama and Citizenship

Here is a very interesting article on the Obama birth certificate thing and the court trials going on right now to try to get him to produce an original, non-Photo Shopped version. . . .

Seems WA and a few other states are being dragged into court on this too. . . it is possible that if this is not cleared up a few states will be forced to pull his name off the ballot . . .

Hillary may still have a shot . . . if he is found as a fraud, the DNC can replace him with their pick. . ..

Very interesting and another reasion this election will be contested no matter who wins. . .

The radio is now telling us that the Democrats have gone to court to STOP the search for the birth certificate before the election. . . . If he has one why stop the search? Why not just hand it over and end this now before it can be used against him???

WHAT IS HE HIDING? It is starting to look like his is illegal as far as POTUS goes, he can't be it because he was not BORN American by law. . . .

Say HI to your new President Hillary. . .

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