Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Obama's Health Lie

Sure health care is key to the economy recovering. . . ya right. This is how they push the fear factor so they get their way. Spending millions or billions more money they don't have will only devalue the dollar. It will do NOTHING for the economy.

Obama has lost it. Note how his lies are falling apart:
Close Gitmo - ya right believe it when you see it
End the war - ya right, the Army is getting 20K more troops to fight the wars and Afghanistan is heating up
Health Care will save money - not according to the governments own accounting office - they say it will save little to nothing. . .

the only reason they are pushing it so hard and fast is it is a government power grab and they want it passed before we find out what is in it.

Obama is getting desperate. . . .

Edit - From CNN - even CNN can see how important this is for him. It will make or break his standing and political power. All the more reason it has to be stopped.

1 comment:

taw99 said...

More Lies. You can keep your old plan if you want. Nope, As soon as it gets changed (by adding people, changing deductibles, losing people) your old plan will be illegal. See page 16 of the bill.
