Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Obama is losing on Health Care and knows it

Obama will be on TV tonight to try to whip up the fear he needs to get this passed. He can smell it. He has waited too long and the facts are getting out. He knows he has to move before too many learn about the ploy.

This plan of his will do nothing but give the government more power, and put anyone over 50 at risk as they won't be worth the government spending health care money on them.

You want facts, think waiting a year for that MRI you need when you get hurt. Think about going for an ultrasound of your unborn child in the second month and being given a date for the ultrasound that is a month after the due date. . .

Then think welcome to government health care.

Why do the wealthy in Canada and the UK have to pay for the public health care and their own private insurance? Because they want health care while they can still be saved.

And the ultimate question - if this new plan is so good then tell my why Congress and the Pres are exempt from it and get to keep what they have now??? They should be forced to have the same plan they give us. But no, they actually want to get treated when they are sick so no, they have an exemption on this one.

Obama must be stopped here. It will be the start of his downfall. If we can stop this then we have a line to hold, no more socialism - no more mad spending on illegals and friends - no more Obama plans - lets make sure he is one and out folks!

Edit -
Gunslinger has a good point on her blog. Health Care is not a right folks. Rights are what you have on your own. You have the right to defend yourself, the right to speak, the right to care for yourself. As soon as start talking about health care that requires someone else's help, be it a doctor, nurse or other, it is no longer your right. You don't have the right to tell them what they can charge you for. You don't have the right to tell them they have to treat you. As soon as you do you are taking away their labors without proper compensation. No right takes from another in any way, especially without fair compensation. Read the Constitution and tell me one right that does.

No, this is a liberal lie. It is not a right.

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