Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Where Do They Go from Here

Well, now it gets interesting. Now that the Dems have voted, and Hillary has done well where do they go??

From this point forward for either to win the nomination before the convention this summer is highly unlikely. I hear that Obama would need to take something like 77% of the vote and Hillary would need like 94% of all remaining primary votes. . . I don't see either one getting there. So it is now up to the party leaders to take over. Voters have had all the say they will get in this, and since they could not pick a winner the Dem Party Leaders will do it for them.

Who gets it? Do you go with Obama? Folks don't know much about him and McCain will kill him when it comes to dealing with specifics. Obama is also not good at answering hard questions, the media may smell blood and start asking him some real questions then what happens? And how many Hillary voters will go for Obama after they have spent the next few months beating the crap out of each other??

And Hillary. . . can she convince them she is the best one with the best chance to win? She won the right states but didn't get the delegate count, can she convince them to give it to her? And if they do give it to her will they loose the youth and black vote this fall? And one of the biggest questions is will the prediction of riots in the streets by black folks come true if the take it away from Obama. . . .

This is going to get real interesting before all is said and done. . . can they compromise and if so who get to be VP? Will they do so much damage to each other before that point that they permanently damage the party and or give the election to McCain. . . .

Stay Tuned folks. . . this is going to be one hell of a ride

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