Monday, August 13, 2007

MA Tax Free weekend and other BS

This weekend was sales tax free here in the great republic of MASS. . . for those of you not living here (you are lucky) that means that his lordship the Governor and our nice state legislature has decided that they will suspend the sales tax for the weekend. . . you remember that tax that was supposed to be temporary and has been around as long as I can remember. . . .

The best part of this (other than I hope it did help all the merchants out there) is the ads on the radio thanking the government for this break. . . I think it is great that they want me to thank the government for not taking more of my money. . . Why do I find something wrong with that idea??

Don’t get me wrong, I took advantage of the tax break myself. . .( probably more than I should have) and all. I also wish I had enough $$ sacked away to get that nice Bushmaster rifle I have been saving for but no such luck yet. But I won’t thank the government of this state for not taking my money. . . . just can’t do it when they seem to ignore us the rest of the year when we vote for income tax reductions and to stop the Greenbush rail line that they put in anyway. . . nope, just can’t do it.

A second sad note I heard on the news on the way in to work today. . . gun permits are down in MA. . . that means there are fewer gun owners. They seem happy about this on the news – they say it is due to the increase in fees for licenses and the change in culture. The way I see it is we now have three problems that are going to grow out of this

1) Less guns in citizens hands. . . this means it is safer to be a crook now. So I guess while they celebrate the lack of guns here we won’t hear a thing about the increase in the crime rate. . . If we do hear anything I am sure it will be how it is someone else’s fault, or folks coming in from NH with lax gun laws that are causing the increase in crime, never the fact that they have disarmed us and made this a crook safe zone. . . I hope we wake up before it gets too late. . . .
2) They think the fee helped them. . . I am sorry but it is my right to own a gun and they charge me $100 for 5 years now to hold the license. Folks would scream bloody murder if they did this to the drivers license fees. . ..These idiots may have hit on the one way they can disarm the state. . . up the fee until no one can afford it. Before the fee change a few years back it was only $25 or $30 bucks for 4 years of permit. We are getting screwed over to pay for what is our God given right. . .
3) Probably the worst one. They are not even looking at the fact that people are fleeing this state and part of the reason the number of permits is down is these good law abiding and working folks have bailed out and gone someplace they can live free (not to mention afford to live at all) and not deal with all the red tape BS we have here. . . This state continues to loose it’s best and brightest (and I am not talking only the gun owners) but the government continues to refuse to see reality. . . . .

Well, we will see where all this leads. I lived here all my life and my family is all here. . . I guess I am in for the long haul. . . I think it is going to be a heck of a ride.

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