Friday, July 18, 2008

I don’t get it Nancy. . . Congress still sucks

This is a follow up to the comments on Nancy Pelosi below.

Yes, her comments that Bush’s low approval rating shows he is a failure due to the economy, war, stock market, housing market etc still bug me.

I guess I am not a liberal so I don’t get her logic (or lack of) in getting to this decision. Somehow all of these things are Bush’s fault and that is why his ratings are low. We are also told that these are the same reasons that the Dems got control of congress in the last election to fix these things the evil Republicans messed up. . . .

Now comes the confusion. Congress has a LOWER approval rating than Bush (since they have not fixed anything they said they would) and when Nancy gets asked about that it is only due to the war still going on in Iraq.

Nancy you must be dumb even by politician standards to think that. You folks got put in congress because you said you would fix all the stuff Bush and the gang messed up and you have not done any of it. Hell, if anything you made it worse. And now you think I am dumb enough to think it is only one issue that has crippled the approval rating of congress?? Not sure how you can believe that one.

All I can say is I hope folks do it again and vote all the incumbents out of office this time around. Maybe if we clean house again and get some new folks in there (and I don’t care from which side as long as they have new ideas and respect the Constitution) then maybe, just maybe we can start to clean up the mess you folks have made of our country. The people need to take back control of this mess and fix it. We need new folks in office that won’t play party games, will make the hard choices, and explain to the people why they need to make the sacrifices they are being asked to make to get this country on track again.

Congress needs to stop wasting all our time and resources with petty infighting over foolishness like attacking our rights to choice, guns, marriage, free speech and all the rest. Stop fighting each other to show you are more to the left or right than the other guy and start to listen to the voters for a change. . . that means no more party agendas and more country agendas.

We are at war folks, the economy sucks and political correctness is killing this country. Figure out how to fix it, give us the bad news, then tell us what we need to do to get things back on track. Let’s go folks, we have work to do. . . .

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