Saturday, May 30, 2009


Well looks like CNN is on the job trying to help Obama get his pick on the court. You can see that they know the cat is out of the bag but they want to push her anyway, she is the right skin color.

This is another example of someone getting the job based on race not qualifications. This woman has not had a single case that was groundbreaking. She has had numerous cases overturned on appeal. She has done nothing LEGALLY that stands out as a judge or lawyer. Yes she has beaten the odds but that is not a reason to make her a Supreme Court Judge.

If a white had made the comment she did they would be ripped apart as a racist but she gets a pass. She also is one of the judges that told two white and one Hispanic fireman that the advancement test scores will be tossed because the black men did not do well on the tests. Merritt means nothing I guess if you are not the right color.

She has also come out saying the Second Amendment does not apply to individuals. I wonder how many of the other parts of the Bill of Rights she feels this way about? She going to go after Free Speech next if it is against Obama? The People in the Bill of Rights is you and me folks, so they are all individual rights that are only RECOGNIZED by the Constitution, not grated by it. She does not belong anywhere near SCOTUS

A Supreme Court Justice should only be concerned with one thing. . . . How does the case in front of them line up with our Constitution. They should not be thinking of anyone's Race, Color or Creed as they say. They law is supposed to be color blind. . . too bad our process to pick the best judge for the job is not.

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