Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Biden strikes again and other stuff

So now the fool is giving away the location of secret bunkers. . . has anyone told this idiot about the idea of a security clearance and what it is for?

I hate to think what the four years of Obama and Friends are going to cost this country. We have a bad vaudeville act running things and screwing up at every turn even worse than Bush did (and he was good at it). Bush was an idiot but at least he knew when to keep his mouth shut.

Oh, and I am still waiting for the hope and change out of all this. All I see now is hope that it will change and I don't think that is what he had in mind for his election speeches.

May I suggest that if they have to build a new secure place for the VP we give Biden the tab since he spilled it?

And don't even get me started on Nancy and all her dancing around the truth. If she had an R after her name they would be tearing her apart now.

Where are the news people digging to get to the truth on all of this? Where are they running all the past reports that back up what she knew when? Oh ya, they are on her side so won't say a thing as she lies to the people. Can't we kick her out for lying? The folks in CA must be so proud of her. . . .

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