Monday, May 25, 2009

Obama the gutless

Well things are going as feared. N. Korea has done a second nuke test and all we get from Obama are stern words. . . Don't do it again or I will say more stern words!

Now Iran is sending boats out into international waters to see the reaction. . .

Our enemies are ready to test Obama and see what kind of tin he is made of. I fear they will find he is just what they want . . . . gutless and indecisive and doesn't want to do anything to look bad to his liberal friends.

We are in trouble. Once they realize he really is spineless and this is not an act to set them up we will be in for lots of problems. I expect they will hit us again soon.

And what will he do when N Korea has their bomb on a missile and hits Japan or the West Coast? We have the worst possible person in the White House for these troubled times.

On this day of remembrance I pray that our Forefathers watch over us and put in a good word with the powers above, America has become weak and we will need all the help we can get to get through this.

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