Friday, December 19, 2008


ZOMG we're all gonna DIE. . . .

should start after noon some time if they got it right.

Not that I ever believe the weather guy but just in case he is right I took in the truck today. I figured the way they like to play bumper cars on 128 I want something big enough that they will know if they hit me. . . . and the 4WD don't hurt either. . ..

Good luck folks. I am just glad it will be over tomorrow and it is the weekend so I don't have to clean the driveway then go to work!


Borepatch said...

Meat and eggs were gone, but there was bread and milk at the supermarket. Doesn't seem to make sense somehow. I mean, if you're panic buying, wouldn't you pick all of it up?

Now .223, THAT I can see being hard to come by. ;-)

JD said...

Damn 7.62 by 39 has gone up $2 in like two weeks. . . I will be glad when the panic buying is over