Thursday, August 17, 2017

They Call it Free Speech

The last few days or so have been very scary on the free speech front.  Antifa seems to have folks convinced that free speech means you can silence hate speech or any other speech you don’t like. . . .


Folks we have a little thing called the First Amendment that protects you from the Government stopping your free speech. . . your boss, on the other hand, can fire you if he/she wants for what you say. . . .

Anyway what that means, in a nutshell, is they MUST issue the permit for the march, be it the KKK, Antifa or any of the numerous other hate groups out there.  They have the right to march and speak.
I don’t have to like what they say.  In fact, that is the reason we have the amendment, to protect speech we don’t like.

The lack of education is showing as folks call for laws and other BS to silence the views they don’t like.  No, you don’t get to do that here in the good old USA where our speech is protected.

And that leads us to the other problem.  The left does not like being told they can’t silence folks so they are now relying on the old standby of the thug, beat folks who disagree. 

And the news media tells us there is a difference between the alt right and alt left.  I just don’t see it. 
KKK, White Supremacist, BLM, Antifa all seem to use the same play book.  That does not make it right if your side is violent to suppress speech.  Hate is hate, be it right or left I don’t care.  Watch the news, read the internet and look who is being violent and who is starting the riots.  Time and again I see BLM, and Antifa calling for violence, kill the cops, attack the man. . .  the KKK is the same old BS they have always been and they are dying a slow death as they should.  BOTH ARE THE PROBLEM!

I don’t care what your goal is if you need to cover your face and resort to violence to get what you want you are the problem.  So it seems to me both of the “Alts” are the problem and the rest of us need to admit this - and the news folks need to stop the fake news BS and help us spread the word.  None of these folks want anything good for the rest of us, they want power OVER us!

Don’t buy into the BS.  They want us divided, it is easier to rule us that way. .  .

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