Thursday, February 16, 2012

Obama in the Cartoons. . .

Day by Day does it again.

For Obama and his claim of Open Administration he fails yet again. This guy went in saying he would change things, open up how things were done, no more back room deals. . . . people would see a bill for a few days before a vote to comment on it. . . .

Instead he takes all the bad deals from the Bush years and cranks it up to 11. Health care laws that have to pass before we tell you what is in them, Gun Running into Mexico to the drug lords that end up getting Americans killed, back room deals. . . and now "Truth Squads" to try to silence any who disagree with him.

I thought the Black Panthers and ACORN at the polls was bad last time, can't wait to see what he does to intimidate people who vote this time.

And the worst part of it is the Media is going along with it. Had a Republican tried to crank it up like this they would be screaming from the roof tops about the attack on our rights. . . . where are they?

We truly live in dangerous times folks. . . keep your eyes open. . . .

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