Saturday, July 17, 2010

Election Fines for Biden

As seen HERE the FEC has fined Joe Biden for spending violations in the last election. . . he says no problem this is normal. . .

So he admits that it is normally to violate the rules during the elections, it is all good as long as you win right Joe?

Now can we see the background on Obama, his birth certificate so we can end that foolishness, and I want to see the Black Panthers convicted for tampering with the election which we all know they did, we have the film.  Obama is protecting them so they can do it again.  This is not going anywhere good folks. . . .

Remember all this in November and throw the bums out - or in Obama's case, end his ability to screw us by taking away Congress.  A Republican Congress is not the best, but at least it will stop Obama. . . .

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