Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Parent of Shooting Victim Heckled?

No, it is media bias. . .

Don't believe me then go see the film for yourself HERE

This parent has every right in the world to speak his mind to the commission on the shooting.  When he turns and asks the audience a question they now have the right to answer him. . . .

And they did and they tried to be respectful of him.

My experience with gun owners is they are well educated, respectful of all if shown respect, and they will support your rights to not own a gun as long as you don't try to take their right to own one away.   The ones I know are very pro Constitution, pro civil rights, pro personal rights, most are pro gay rights. . . any right that does not impose your will on anyone else they tend to support. . .

Thank God we have the internet to check on the Media with.  Our main stream media lost it's way long ago. They are no longer the watchdog of the government but now actively take sides. . .  this is too bad, and it is why they are losing credibility.

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