Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Guns in the UK

well, HERE is more proof that all them gun laws don't work.

the UK has probably the most restrictive gun laws around. . . it is a island. . . . . it has seen gun crime go up by an AVERAGE of 89% in the last 10 years. . . some places have gone up by almost 600%

And to top it off, they are now starting to have cops do normal patrols with guns. . . .

And they say we have problems. . . .

If we are the ones doing it wrong, then why have our crime rates dropped? the more places that pass carry laws and make it easier for the law abiding citizen to get a gun the lower the crime rates. We have seen it here time and again. . . . .

Remember that folks when they tell you just one more gun law will fix things. It won't - but it will make it easier for them to hold power over us . . . .

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