Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Mass Madness

Today we got a good example of both sides of the insanity we call Massachusetts. . . ..

First, the news this morning on the way to work was all about the liberal nuts in Amherst MA who want to have the folks released from Gitmo live there. . . they assure us that they will counsel them. I am sure they are just misunderstood terrorists. . .

Then that got knocked out of the news with this one (from CNN). Seems that we had our own home grown alleged terrorists here that went abroad to get training and then wanted to shoot up a mall in the area. No word on which one. What that matters I don't know. Here in MA they know that few folks carry a gun and the laws are insane so they will have free run of the joint to kill until the cops show. And they had plans for that too.

We got lucky and they were dumb and got caught.

We have a state full of sheep, and we want to bring the bad guys here. . . then surprise, we already have them here. It is just a matter of time until someone takes advantage of how our "leaders" have disarmed us and made us weak. Just a matter of time.

That is why I carry, and now I will be sure never to leave the house unarmed if at all possible. No more running to the store without something on me. . . . you should too.

It is time folks, get your permits if you have to, those of you in free states, take advantage of it and carry. The ass you save may be yours - or your kids. . . ..

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