Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Obama betrays us again

Today we hear that thanks to the CIA and waterboarding of a known terrorists a second 9/11 style attack in LA was prevented.

Knowing this info Obama says he will not allow that type of interrogation to continue. He had to choose between the comfort of a KNOWN terrorists and the safety of the American people whom he swore to protect . Guess who he chose. . . . . . yep, the terrorist.

To top it off the he is leaving it up to his AG to decided if they will prosecute the hero's that saved LA. He does not have the guts to make the call himself. This way if the public back him it was his call, if they don't then the AG takes the fall for him. He is a disgrace to the office. He continues to show weakness to our countries enemies and to court those who would destroy us. We need desperately to get the Dems out of power in 2010 to stop his agenda. And we MUST vote him out in 2012.

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